
Persönliche Installation nicht beauftragt

vor 3 Jahren

Hello Telekom Service,

Recently I moved to a new place and order the Internet from your side. Everything went smoothly until today I received the bill in email.

The email shows there's a "Persoenliche intallation 2.0", and cost me nearly 100 euros brutto, but I didn't order that, and the order confirmation didn't mention that either. I connected and started the speed port myself. The technician briefly checked his tablet to see if everything was working and then left.

Therefore I ask for a correction on my bill and remain with kind regards.

Rechnungsnummer: xxxxx

PS: My customer number is stored in the profile, I can send further customer data via PM.




invoice number for security reasons deleted 

Inga Kristina J. / Telekom hilft



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 3 Jahren

    Good morning @johnson830528,


    as promised, I am back with a final response:


    I understand all your points and issues, but unfortunately we are not able to credit you this sum.

    We checked also the ,,Service Montagenachweis" again and all the notes were left, but you signed this and the technician charged you this automatically when he/she makes some work on your network. You don't have to book it separate.


    I am so sorry I couldn't have come with some better news for you. 😥


    Kind regards

    Christina P.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer

