Speedport Smart 3 cannot connect to Internet

3 years ago

Since 1 hour ago I have not been able to connect my Speedport Smart 3 to the internet. Have tried the following:


1) Reset Router

2) Reset modem

3) Connected to speedport.ip to refresh settings and connect there (Error: No connection could be established)


Any ideas on what can be done?



  • 3 years ago


    Connected to speedport.ip to refresh settings and connect there (Error: No connection could be established)

    Connected to speedport.ip to refresh settings and connect there (Error: No connection could be established)
    Connected to speedport.ip to refresh settings and connect there (Error: No connection could be established)

    Welcome to the Community! How is your device connected to the Speedport, via WiFi or LAN cable? If by WiFi try it with a PC, laptop ... via LAN cable.


    You can test your connection here via mobile radio:




    Best regards, Ulrich


  • 3 years ago

    @Azfar  schrieb:
    2) Reset modem

    What connection/rate do you have? Why are you using an extra modem on the Speedport Smart 3?


    Best regards, Ulrich


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