Speedport smart 3 not working. Only white light for status and WLAN

vor 6 Monaten


My German is not that good with technical words so I am writing it in English. I have speedport smart 3 since April 2024, so for 5 months. It has worked fine till now. Today I don't know what is the issue but when I checked my connection, it said "connected without Internet" and only status and WLAN has white LED indicator on.


I tried resetting, turning it off and on again, unplugging everything and plugging everything back but nothing has worked so far.


I can't connect to speedport portal or to the app as there is no Internet connection from my wifi. 


Can anyone please help me? Thank you.





  • vor 6 Monaten

    @Raj14: Please check your connection using this page:




    Greetings Ulrich




    vor 6 Monaten



    I received a callback from the team but it was only a German speaking helpline. I got the number for English speaking helpline from them but I am unable to call on that number. 


    I also didn't receive any updates from their side on Whatsapp. 

    Do you know where can I get the help regarding this in English? 

    Thank you.



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    @Raj14: Please wait for the team here in the community, there are also English-speaking Teamies here.


    @Telekom-hilft-Team zur Info.


    Gruß Ulrich




    vor 6 Monaten

    Fadi A.

    @UlrichZ I'm sorry there is a problem. I see that the problem report has already been forwarded to our field service and an appointment has been scheduled. I look forward to hearing from you after the appointment. Best regards, Fadi R.


    I'm sorry there is a problem.


    I see that the problem report has already been forwarded to our field service and an appointment has been scheduled.

    I look forward to hearing from you after the appointment.


    Best regards, Fadi R.

    Fadi A.


    I'm sorry there is a problem.


    I see that the problem report has already been forwarded to our field service and an appointment has been scheduled.

    I look forward to hearing from you after the appointment.


    Best regards, Fadi R.


    @Raj14: For your information, you are probably meant.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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