Top up of GBs for my MagentaZuhause Schnellstart and landline internet plan

vor einem Jahr

Hello Telekom Team,


First of all, I am writing because my unlimited GBs plan for my Magenta Zuhause Schnellstart is going to expire very soon (in two days) and it is urgent need to top it up, otherwise I will completely run out of data.

I kindly ask to take care about this issue as soon as possible, since I have sent many messages to some of your colleagues I was in touch with and I have not received any answer or news about this so far.


Secondly, I have asked for a landline connection plan since September and due to the fact that my address is changing to a new technology (fiber optics), I was informed that I have to wait until the end of migration process in order to start a contract for a landline connection. It's been more than a month now that I don't have any news about the migration process status!! 

The Magenta Zuhause Schnellstart was supposed to be a temporary solution for having internet in my apartment but please, I can't run out of data. At least I was expecting that I will have guaranteed internet data until I have a landline internet connection in my apartment. I was willing to choose your company as my internet provider because of your reputation, but it's not convenient at all for me all this situation (worrying about the availability of my internet data and asking you from time to time to top it up for me). 

Guys please help me about all this situation or do something as soon as possible otherwise I will seriously think about addressing to another internet provider for my apartment.


Thank you in advance.


Kind regards



  • vor einem Jahr

    Hello @Jimbo13 

    I have forwarded your problem to the team, please be patient, someone will get back to you.


    Kind regards -LERNI-




    vor einem Jahr

    Good evening @Jimbo13, we already wrote via DM and in your other thread. Let's keep an overview and stay in your first thread or DM. Zwinkernd 


    Kind regards Sven Ö. 

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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