
when will i get internet

vor 2 Jahren

Dear Telekom,

I have applied for DSL Connection for more than a month now, I was supposed to get internet a week ago, still there is no conformation from your end. When I talk to customer support, they say we will process it as soon as possible. I had applied for DSL connection with friends and family benefit as one of my friend works in Telekom. Now, even he is frustrated with this bureaucracy. 

You guys boast that you are the biggest internet provider in Germany and if this is what we get for signing up for your contract with you guys, then we have a bigger problem. 

I should have just signed up with one of your competitor, I believe I would have got internet connection by now. 

Kindly have competent people to resolve issues.  



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 2 Jahren

    Hello @Raghav,


    thank you for the friendly phone call. 


    I'm really sorry that we cannot provide an internet connection at your address. We don't have the technical infrastructure for a DSL connection at your house. It's owned by another provider. 


    We're building a glass fiber connection there, but it will take some months to get it done. So at this moment this is not an option. 


    I hope you'll get a connection from the other provider soon. 


    @ak123: This is not true anymore. There are other providers that have their own DSL infrastructure. 


    Best regards Inga Kristina J. 




    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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