Expired Telekom contract

vor 4 Jahren

Hi everyone,

sorry for not speaking German, but any help as soon as possible would be appreciated!! I had a contract for 2 years with Telekom that just recently expired and now I can't use this phone number anymore. Do you know any way to extend the contract so that I can have 2 more years and still keep this phone number? I can't login to my bank, gmail,... because I don't have the number anymore. Thank you so so much in advance for your help.



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hallo @Hai Anh welcome in this community, please fill in your profil :https://telekomhilft.telekom.de/t5/user/myprofilepage/tab/personal-profile:telekom-custom-user-profile-userdata


    Phone and customer number, press "sichern" that means save


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Can you give the exact name of the calling plan as stated on the phone bill? Is this a fixed line, mobile postpaid or a mobile prepaid plan?


    I'm asking because contracts with DT usually do not simply expire, they are automatically extended for another year unless cancelled with at least three months advance notice.


    The only type of contract that would expire by itself is mobile prepaid plans, which expire if not topped up for a very long time (Telekom does not disclose how long that time is). If this is the case, let us know here, the Telekom team members should be able to reactivate your SIM if the deactivation date was less than 112 days ago. See here for details (German language only).


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hello @Hai Anh and sorry for the late reply.

    Would you mind filling in your profile so that I can contact you?

    Kind regards Nico B.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

