My data downgraded with my new phone

vor einem Jahr

I ended up getting a new phone but still remain under my mom’s contract. I used to have XL but when I got the new phone it put me under her plan but I want to go back to the unlimited data. Is this possible?



  • vor einem Jahr

    Good evening @Vei ,


    thanks for texting us. I'm here for you and I'm pretty sure that we can solve this issue together.


    I'd like to start with the legitimation process by phone, so we can take a look at your active mobile plan and the way you like to change it.


    @→Mataimaki← already mentioned the important point for this. Please fill in all the details and give me a short hint when you are reachable by phone. 


    Best regards 


    Sarah D.


Uneingeloggter Nutzer

