Prepaid service only worked for 1 week and then stopped despite payment for a full month

vor 2 Jahren


I'm using Prepaid MagnetaMobil L, I topped up my account for 15 € a week ago, got the package for 5GB, everything worked fine for a week. Although, I got SMS straight away reporting about some errors. The same SMS about "errors" I got yesterday.  The credit balance is now 11.85€ as per app information, but the service stopped working completely. What's going on please? Shall I pay 15 € every week to make it work?



  • vor 2 Jahren

    Very simple (if one is familiar with the Telekom prepaid system...).

    The topup of 15 Euro was used for the remaining days of the (meanwhile past) 4-weeks period. The first like 3 weeks you could not use the service due to insufficient balance.

    Now you are back to that situation: insufficient balance for the new 4-weeks period. A recharge of 5 Euro should bring you back... (be aware that this does not take place immediately, there might be a delay of few hours).


    To further clarify: the new 4-weeks period does NOT start with booking/deducting the 15 Euro fee from the account. The 4-weeks regime is fixed, not linked to recharging dates. This is (I think) different from other providers.



    @Sandin_38  schrieb:
    Shall I pay 15 € every week

    That means you would soon end up with a maximum prepaid account.


    You can either recharge now with 15 Euro (leaving like 12 Euro after deducting the fee) or you recharge with 5 Euro, e.g. with a top-up-voucher from there


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 2 Jahren

    If you do not do a topup then in like five days your tariff will be reestablished for the remaining three weeks.

    Unless you use your SIM actively - if the balance goes down due to usage then the reactivation will be further delayed.




    vor 2 Jahren

    @Sandin_38  schrieb:
    how do I know when my "4-week period" starts? On the 1st day of each month

    That would not make any sense, because that means that at the end of the month you would be left without internet access.



    @Sandin_38  schrieb:
    or on the date when I activated the SIM?

    On the date that Telekom activated the SIM. Plus 4 weeks. Plus 4 weeks. Plus ...



    @Sandin_38  schrieb:
    how do I know when my "4-week period" starts?

    Give (via mobile access, deactivated WLAN) the site a try.

    (While this info might be accurate with small limitation/inexactness: for some aspect might be +/- one day)

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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