
Can my flatmates take over the contract

vor einem Jahr

Hello, I singed the Magenta L Young contract over 4 months now. However I am moving out of the country. I do not want to terminate the contract, I just want to provide a different bank account number so that my flatmates can keep paying. How can that be done? 


Thank you Fröhlich



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    Community Guide

    akzeptiert von

    vor einem Jahr


    There it says:

    "You can easily change the bank details stored in your landline and mobile phone contract for future direct debits.

    To do this, go to your customer center in the "My personal data" area or use the MeinMagenta app.

    If you would like us to change the bank details for you, please use our landline or mobile contact forms."





    vor einem Jahr

    thank you a loot

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