Cancel and re-order?

4 years ago

I placed an order for Internet for my flat on 16.02.2021 and a technician is supposed to come tomorrow for doing the setup. However, last night on Check24 I have seen the same service I ordered but it's much cheaper (because of check24 Cashback and Gutschein).

If I cancel my Telekom contract today and order it via Check24 again for the cheaper price, do I have to pay anything to Telekom for the cancelation (also because it's so close to the technician's appointment)? Or is it possible to change my current Telekom contract and get the discounted price?
Thank you!



  • 4 years ago

    Hallo @Diba03 


    The statutory objection period is 14 days. (if I haven´t miscalculated)
    So it run out tomorrow.

    Not much time left.


  • 4 years ago

    Hello @Diba03

    @juergen3004 already gave you the correct information. You can cancel your order 14 days after you got the confirmation about the order.
    Do you still need any help?

    Karsten L.




    4 years ago

    Hello @Karsten L. 

    I think I still need help! Actually probably a bigger help... 😔
    I had a chat with Telekom support and canceled that request on the same day (on March 1st, so 13 days after making the order). Right after canceling (I used the online Widerruf form), I got an email from Telekom saying "Ihr Widerruf ist bei uns eingegangen. Wir kümmern uns gern darum und Sie erhalten so schnell wie möglich eine Antwort von uns."

    I then re-ordered it via Check24 to use the bonuses, and received some emails from Telekom to sign a document for provider change.

    However, the next day the Telekom technician came over for doing the configuration, but left immediately when I explained the situation. He said he cannot work on it because it's the old order and I have to wait for receiving a new number and new appointment.

    I haven't got any update on my new order, which was placed via Check24 yet. But today I got an email from Telekom saying "Willkommen bei RechnungOnline", this was sent to the email address from my initial order (which has already been canceled).

    This is a bit confusing and I'm confused too. What is the next step here? It looks like the canceled order is still in action, while the new order is not moving forward... 

    It would be great to get some clarification..

    Many thanks in advance Fröhlich

    Unlogged in user



  • 4 years ago

    Good Morning @Diba03

    I'm sorry for the late reply. I had a look at it. I could find both orders. The cancellation of the old order is "'In Progress" and also your new order is still "'In Progress" because of the transfer of your phone number from your old provider. I'll inform our special Team for provider changes that they'll have a look at your new order.

    Karsten L.


  • 4 years ago

    Hello @Diba03,

    unfortunately I could not reach you by phone.
    Please advise a time frame of 2 hours, when you will available für a call.
    In order to process your request I need to speak to you concerning your options.

    Regards, Lorenz S.




    4 years ago

    Hello @Lorenz S. 
    Many thanks for getting back to me so quickly!
    You can reach me by phone anytime this evening or tomorrow afternoon from 3pm on Fröhlich 


    Unlogged in user



  • 4 years ago

    Hello @Diba03

    Thanks for our conversation. The first order will be rolled back. I'll confirm as soon as it is completed.
    The provider change order is processed with the new information you have given me.

    Regards, Lorenz S.


  • 4 years ago

    Hello @Diba03

    The connection was cancelled, as previously discussed.
    I placed a provider change order and expect it being filled beginning of April 2021.
    I will keep you informed.
    Please advise should you receive any information from your provider.

    Regards, Lorenz S.




    4 years ago

    Hello @Lorenz S. 


    Thank you for the call yesterday and the follow up messages Fröhlich

    I just checked the emails I have received regarding the cancellation, and in the PDF for confirmation of cancelation I see a different "Auftragsnummer" than the one from my cancelled order. Could you please double check this to make sure the correct order has been cancelled?

    The order which was cancelled was made on 16.02.2021, and cancelled on 01.03.2021.

    The new order from 01.03.2021 is the one to be kept and processed.


    Many thanks! Fröhlich


    Unlogged in user



  • 4 years ago

    Hello @Diba03

    I processed your order as agreed.
    Your connection will be switched on 30.03.2021.

    Regards, Lorenz S.


  • 4 years ago

    Hi @Diba03

    I'm sorry I could not reach you by phone.
    I hope your connection works as expected.

    Have a happy Easter and enjoy your Telekom connection!

    Regards, Lorenz S.




    4 years ago

    Hi @Lorenz S. 


    I hope you had nice Easter holidays Fröhlich

    Thanks for your checking up on this! My Telekom connection got activated as planned and everything has been fine so far. Many thanks for all your help again Fröhlich





    4 years ago

    Thank you for your feedback, @Diba03 .

    All the best!

    Regards, Lorenz S.

    Unlogged in user



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