Door representative of Telekom commits fraud by forcibly entering into a fraudulent contract

vor 8 Monaten

Greetings, Team,

On April 24, 2024, a man who identified himself as a representative of Telekom visited my residence. I informed him that I have been paying Vodafone 44.97 euros per month for the last year, which includes a 50Mbs internet bandwidth and a TV connection charge. I informed him that my Vodafone connection is suitable at the moment. I am not currently interested in contributing extra money. Then, he announced that Telekom was in the process of upgrading the street internet cables to fiber optic and that Vodafone customers who were interested would be transferred to Telekom. He also said that all Vodafone functions you are currently using will transfer to Telecom, with a price of 19.95 euros for the initial six months and 47 euros for the subsequent seven to twenty-four months, including a television connection. This event occurred three times with me, with different individuals on separate days. On April 24, 2024, I agreed to accept the offer given by the Telecom representative. It was the biggest mistake that I made in my life.

He requested my signature on an iPad and inquired about my IBAN number. I executed a document entitled "My Contract for Telephone, Internet, and Television through a Supplier." The Telecom office contacted me the following day to discuss this contract. The Telecom office contacted me the following day to discuss this contract via telephone. The telephonic conversion was not mentioned in relation to the payment of additional fees for items such as routers and service costs.

Almost three months later, a technician arrived at my residence to transfer the connection from Vodafone to Telecom. Upon his arrival at my residence, he asked about where the router was. I informed him that I was unclear of this information, as the man who visited my residence on the first day informed me that he would be relocating everything. Otherwise, I was not interested in changing my Vodafone connection, as there were no issues with it.


I want to bring to your attention that I did not consent to switch to Telekom because I am not interested in extra pay for a router, which is 196,94 euros. This is a total burden for me. Telecom was given a contract that included a bill that specified 19,95 euros and 47 euros. There was no mention of the router bill. I received the router bill on 08.07.2024 after visiting the technician at my house.

If initially, the telecom representative informed me that I would be required to pay the cost of the router and other expenses in order to switch from Vodafone to Telecom, I stopped doing this because the current Vodafone connection is satisfactory for me, and I already have a Vodafone router.


The agent misled me and signed me up for a two-year contract. I visited a Telekom store to submit a complaint; however, they informed me that they were unable to assist. Additionally, I wrote an email, but I have not received a response. I am dissatisfied with the Telekom service at this time, and it is far more painful for me.


I kindly beg your understanding of the situation and the termination of my contract without any supplementary fees or taxes. I am contacting you because I have not received any assistance from the Telekom store, hotline, or email support. I would greatly appreciate your prompt assistance with this Matter .




  • vor 8 Monaten


    Zusammenfassung in Stichpunkten:

    • Am 24. April 2024 besuchte ein Telekom-Vertreter die Wohnung des Autors.
    • Der Autor zahlt seit einem Jahr 44,97 Euro monatlich für Vodafone (50 Mbit/s Internet + TV-Anschluss).
    • Telekom plant, Glasfaser zu installieren und bietet an, Vodafone-Kunden zu Telekom zu übertragen.
    • Angebot: 19,95 Euro für die ersten sechs Monate, dann 47 Euro für die folgenden Monate (inkl. TV).
    • Autor stimmte dem Angebot zu, unterschrieb auf einem iPad und gab seine IBAN an.
    • Nach dem Telefonat mit der Telekom wurden keine zusätzlichen Gebühren für Router oder Service erwähnt.
    • Drei Monate später kam ein Techniker, aber es gab Unklarheiten über den Router.
    • Autor lehnte den Wechsel ab, da zusätzliche 196,94 Euro für einen Router gefordert wurden.
    • Keine vorherige Information über diese Kosten durch den Telekom-Vertreter.
    • Autor fühlt sich getäuscht und ist unzufrieden mit dem Telekom-Service.
    • Versuchte Beschwerden im Telekom-Laden und per E-Mail, ohne Erfolg.
    • Fordert Vertragskündigung ohne zusätzliche Gebühren oder Steuern.




    vor 8 Monaten


    Please look after this issue and solve my problem

    Please look after this issue and solve my problem
    Please look after this issue and solve my problem

    To me it looks like it is not only a Telekom problem that you are dealing with.


    Once more it is standard approach that one pays for a router - either rented or bought. No need to mention that to anybody adult in Germany. My opinion.




    Why did your company generate the router bill on 08 July 2024? Why not 24 April 2024?

    Why did your company generate the router bill on 08 July 2024?  Why not 24 April 2024?
    Why did your company generate the router bill on 08 July 2024?  Why not 24 April 2024?

    I guess because in the past people were complaining that they had an early router delivery and that they needed to pay monthly fees unnecessarily because the connection/DSL contract was not active.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 8 Monaten


    Man kann da wenig bis nichts für dich tun. 

    Wir haben hier Routerfreiheit und jeder Kunde muss sehen wo er einen herbekommt. 

    Egal ob er ihn sich mietet oder kauft.

    Ich kann da keinen Betrug erkennen


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 8 Monaten


    I want to bring to your attention that I did not consent to switch to Telekom because I am not interested in extra pay for a router, which is 196,94 euros. This is a total burden for me. Telecom was given a contract that included a bill that specified 19,95 euros and 47 euros. There was no mention of the router bill. I received the router bill on 08.07.2024 after visiting the technician at my house.

    I want to bring to your attention that I did not consent to switch to Telekom because I am not interested in extra pay for a router, which is 196,94 euros. This is a total burden for me. Telecom was given a contract that included a bill that specified 19,95 euros and 47 euros. There was no mention of the router bill. I received the router bill on 08.07.2024 after visiting the technician at my house.
    I want to bring to your attention that I did not consent to switch to Telekom because I am not interested in extra pay for a router, which is 196,94 euros. This is a total burden for me. Telecom was given a contract that included a bill that specified 19,95 euros and 47 euros. There was no mention of the router bill. I received the router bill on 08.07.2024 after visiting the technician at my house.

    It is clear that if buying a car that you will need fuel, even if not mentioned by the seller.


    It is clear that with a Vodafone or with a Telekom internet service you need a router device. Vodafone currently offers on a rental basis for cable connection these three models (alternatively you can buy a compatible router), the Vodafone Station I would not recommend




    Telekom handles the issue quite similar, just with different router models.





    It was the biggest mistake that I made in my life.

    It was the biggest mistake that I made in my life.
    It was the biggest mistake that I made in my life.

    You seem to be very young. Be prepared for much bigger mistakes to come.




    vor 8 Monaten


    But when I did a contract with Vodafone, and they clearly mentioned the router price, service charge, monthly price, and yearly price. The telecom company didn't clear it. Almost 3 months later, they told me that your router price is ..., and the service charge is...


    But when I did a contract with Vodafone, and they clearly mentioned the router price, service charge, monthly price, and yearly price.  The telecom company didn't clear it. Almost 3 months later, they told me that your router price is ..., and the service charge is...



    But when I did a contract with Vodafone, and they clearly mentioned the router price, service charge, monthly price, and yearly price.  The telecom company didn't clear it. Almost 3 months later, they told me that your router price is ..., and the service charge is...

     If you order the router at the same time, it will be listed on the order confirmation, including all costs. Not everyone orders a router. Many have their own router and continue to use it. If it turns out after switching on that you don't have your own, then the costs are added. If you have one, you save them. Since an employee doesn't know this, it is often not mentioned. The need to have a compatible router is stated on the website and, as for as i know on the order confirmation.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 8 Monaten



    "It is clear that if buying a car that you will need fuel, even if not mentioned by the seller."


    I agree with your quotation, and I know it. 


    But when I did a contract with Vodafone, and they clearly mentioned the router price, service charge, monthly price, and yearly price.  The telecom company didn't clear it. Almost 3 months later, they told me that your router price is ..., and the service charge is...


    So, where is my problem? I did match with my previous service company(Vodafone). Vodafone did clearly mention each and everything. But Telecom didn't do it. Telecom should have mentioned it before going to charge.


    I even asked the door-to-door serviceman of Telecom regarding the extra pay. He told me that no, "you will not pay extra money." You will only pay the monthly bill.


    So, what is my wrong? I could expect a better service than Vodafone.




    vor 8 Monaten

    Das ist ziemlich eindeutig:

    Timur K.

    As we discussed, your old provider has confirmed the change of provider as of 08.07.24. The change of provider is only possible at the end of the contract term, otherwise the old provider would have refused us.

    As we discussed, your old provider has confirmed the change of provider as of 08.07.24. The change of provider is only possible at the end of the contract term, otherwise the old provider would have refused us. 
    Timur K.
    As we discussed, your old provider has confirmed the change of provider as of 08.07.24. The change of provider is only possible at the end of the contract term, otherwise the old provider would have refused us. 


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 8 Monaten


    @Timur K. 


    As per contract with Telekom Deutschland GmbH,


    AUFTRAGSART: "Hiermit beuftrage ich die Telekom Deutschland GmbH mit der Kündigung meines Vertrages bei meinem bisherigen Telekommunikations-anbieter*"


    *: "Eine separate Kündigung Ihres Telefon-und Internetvertrags beim bisherigen Anbieter ist nicht erforderlich, ausgenommen sind andere Verträge wie zum Beispiel ein TV-Kabelanschluss"


    But, before cancelling the contract with the previous provider, Telekom Deutschland GmbH has been started the internet service. Both internet services are available in my house.


    Should I pay both the company at a time? is it logical?




    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 8 Monaten


    It does not make any sense, that you repeat the same claims again and again.

    As stated the  contract was terminated with Vodafone and Vodafone has confirmed the take over was 8.7.24 according Vodafone.


    You should ask them.





    vor 7 Monaten

    Hello @hossain


    Thank you for our friendly conversation.

    Our technician was at your domicile and replaced the phone socket. He found the connections corroded as the cause for the faults you experienced.


    I apologise for the missed appointments of our technicians and sincerely hope that your experience of our service from here onwards will be an enjoyable one.


    Regards, Lorenz S.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

