
English support please - Vodafone to Telekom

vor 4 Jahren



Last week, An agent from Telecom (Ranger Marketing) came to my apartment and explained about switching from Vodafone to Telekom DSL. I filled the form and I got email of my order number. I need to verify this. Can someone help me.



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 4 Jahren

    Hello @zenithraaj,

    and thank you for the pleasant call. Our representative was legitimate, and an order has been added to our system. Right now, we are waiting for an answer from your current provider when we would be able to switch your contract from them to us. When/if they give the ok, we will process the order further, and you will get a letter of confirmation with the start date of your new contract. As agreed, I have added the note that you will also need a router from us ant that it should be added to the order.

    If you need further assistance, let me know.

    Kind regards
    Sören G.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor einem Jahr

    I found the problem .i changed the router to the old one from vodaphone ,fritzbox or something .i feel it gives me more freedom and i can have my ethernet on priority .the speed port had only wifi priority as far as i saw !
    The problem was this adapter i used to run my cable under the door to my pc unit! And also the previous cables I had, even though they were new, and was cat 7. my old single long was cat 8 and that was the only one that gave me the 200 mb/s speed!

    Thanks for all the help!  

    this was the problem and the other cat 7 cablesUntitled.png



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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