Internet issues again

vor 4 Jahren

Hi, I’m in Neukölln and my internet is not working .. so cannot connect to internet on other devices that are connected to my phone internet. I pay €100 a month for unlimited data but i can never use it because there are always issues. Can you please follow up and explain why there are issues once again? Thanks



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Which contract is used. Which router is in use? Which error messages can be seen in the log of the router


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    vor 4 Jahren

    By worse I meant that before it would at least “connect” to the site and then just wouldn’t load a thing… when I said now it was worse, it just won’t even do that at all… there was just nothing at all…. And my phone itself was now not connecting to apps. But I tried it all again, put it back and then reapplied the changes you suggested, and the switched everything off and on again and seems like it is working now… which was my follow up message, thanking you for your help. Really I appreciate your time in helping me sort it out.

    my phone says LTE but I have no clue what that means lol. But seems it’s ok for now. Again thank you for helping me sort this out. Enjoy your Sunday Fröhlich 

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hello @simonevhorick

    I'm sorry that you had problems with using your mobile data. I'm glad that @lejupp and @Stefan already assist you.
    You told everything is working now, and I'm happy to hear that. If you have any questions or need help again, do not hesitate to give us a text here.

    Stay healthy.

    Karsten L.




    vor 4 Jahren

    Thank you. I will do:) 

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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