Lost DSL connection between router and Telekom

vor einem Jahr

1. Magenta Zuhause XL

2. FRITZ!Box 7530 AX version 7.56 


I got an internet around 2 weeks ago and everything was fine till yesterday, around 2pm I suddenly lost connection. Fritzbox says I have no connection between my router and DSL exchange. Nothing interesting in fritzbox logs.

I tried using previous DSL version/restarted router/Telekom automatic help thingie on the stie.
Only thing I have no tried is a new DSL cable but mine is 2 weeks old it should be fine...



I still have a problem understanding German via phone so I tried using whatsapp telekom but no answer yet.




  • vor einem Jahr

    Hey @Viktorrr,


    thank you very much for your message and welcome to our Telekom hilft community. 

    Sadly to hear, that you have this issue.

    How is your current status? Do you still have no internet and phone connection?

    Or a there some distributions?

    Please fill out your profile with your private data like mobile phone number and a time-frame for a call (please don't post anything over here).

    Don't worry, your data is only available for us Teamies from Telekom.


    Thank you in advance & kind regards 
    Christina P.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor einem Jahr


    2pm I suddenly lost connection

    2pm I suddenly lost connection
    2pm I suddenly lost connection

    This sure looks like an incident on the carrier's side.


    First thing to do would be to log on your Kundencenter and initiate a line check there -> https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/hilfe-bei-stoerungen/leitungspruefung.

    Depending on the results, you can also report an issue there right away.


    You could also call 08003301000, keyword "Störung", and ask for an English speaking agent. Or somebody from the team could call you back. To enable this, please fill your profile here with contact data including a time frame when you can be reached.


    Good luck!





    vor einem Jahr

    Thank you, I tried using telekom diagnose tool multiple time it didnt help and whatsup I guess is not used by any telekom support even if at the end the tool suggested me to write there and ask for help. 
    WIll try to call tomorrow again directly I guess. Thank you.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor einem Jahr

    Hi @Viktorrr,


    if you provide us with a time frame in which you are available. We will gladly call you.


    Kind regards

    Sören G.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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