My contract has never been cancelled, since Mai 2023 my bank keeps paying the monthy fee

1 year ago

In April of 2023 I have been to an Telekom store to cancel my contract, the person there told me that they were not able to cancel it immediately but they would do it in the next days, and that I could go because everything would be done.

on the 16.04 I've sent an email to this person, asking if possible to  just cancel a couple of days later, since this person told me thatwas possible to cancel a few days later, 

I got not answer but I thought it would be done. I moved officially from that house on 03.06.2023, 

On Jun 30th I sent another email asking if the cancellation has been done, but no answer

Now a few months later I realised that the monthly fee is still being paid by my bank, and I'm not able to cancel it through the bank itself.
I'm no longer in Germany and is almost impossible to write an email to the costumer service because you have to go through thousands of pages supposedly to help you, but for someone that does not speak German, is a complete nightmare.

Therefore I'm trying the community and hopefully I will be able to cancel it for good and have my money returned since I moved the house in June 2023


I added the emails I've sent, I covered both contact details for security reasons.

Would anyone be able to help me reching anyone of Telekom to solve my problem?


Many thanks in advance


Happy new year 2024







 [...] Bild editiert von: @VoPo914
Grund: Bild enthielt die Kundennummer 



  • 1 year ago

    Hello and welcome.

    Please fill out the profile information with your Kundennummer (the id that was deleted from your picture because of data privacy).
    And a mobile number where the team can get in touch with you.
    Please also note a time frame with your best availabilty for a call.


    In this time, can you check your mails from the 12-20 of March and check if you got a "Auftragsbestätigung"?
    Maybe the support did an new Contract rather than canceling it.

    You can also use this form
    to cancel the contract within 1 month with the needed information.




    1 year ago

    Hi Marius AD, 

    Thank you for replying,  I filled the kundernummer but my phone currently is portuguese, I'm no in Germany since June 2022.


    I added my current number to my profile, but not on the respective field, due to the fact that does not allow you to enter a different country code.


    I also checked my email, and the only emails I got were related to change of address, due to the fact that probably my post has been sent back, due to me not living in that address anymore. but even then I tried to follow the link, but was too complicated to follow.

    I'm available since 9am to 19pm everyday, but I'm not sure they can call a portuguese number.


    We will see, many thanks for the reply





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  • 1 year ago

    Hello @Blobo75,


    welcome by us in the Community.

    Please enter your Kundennummer, phone number and a time frame during which you are available for a phone call in your community Profile here

    I will check, then contact you.


    Kind regards Khaled A




    1 year ago

    Hello dear Christina P.
    Thank you for your reply, I don't know if when you called it came from private number, which I couldn't call back

    if you don't mind I would suggest to make a proper appointment day and time this way I can be reached.

    I will have with me all the numbers you requested.


    Kind regards





    1 year ago

    Hey Bruno @Blobo75,


    thanks for coming back to us. 


    When are you reachable the upcoming week?


    Best regards


    Sarah D.



    1 year ago

    Hi Sara, 
    Apologies for my late reply, I have been traveling (work)
    I would be available mid next-week, please let me know when it would be better for you so I can schedule  day and time. also if possible send me by email, my contact is in my profile.

    Thank you in advance, 

    Good night


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