
The status of my contract

vor 7 Jahren



I received the Kündigungsbestätigung via post but not sure how to understand it. There is stated "Leistungen"  and "Termin". Termin shows 22.05.2019 and is it the contract that is cancelled or my contract will be cancelled in 2019??

I terminated it on 2nd May 2018 that was the last date for termination of my current contract that end on 22May 2018. So i am not suppoed to use Telekom Internet from 22May this year. Could you please confirm that it cancelled for this year and not for the next one?


Look forward hearing from you!






  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 7 Jahren

    The least contract term amounts 24 months.

    After 24 months the contract is extended by other 12 months, if the contract not was discontinued before.

    Attention!  Term of notice must be considered.

    The notice must have come at  latest, one month before the end of contract term.

    You write: "I terminated it on 2nd May 2018"

    I think the notice was to late.  So the contract extends and will be end on 22May 2019


    let the Teamis (Telekon Employee)  have a look in your Contract documents.

    You still  have already fill your Profile.


    Please wait for the answer of a "Teami".



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 7 Jahren

    Hello Mariia @MariaPalichuk

    your contract started after your removal to your new adress at 23rd of May 2016. With a minimum duration of 24 months. Ending of the contract to the 22 of May 2018. You send us your cancel letter at 2 May of 2018. The time limit to cancel is one month before the minimum duration finishs. From this point the contract enlarge one year more.

    With regards

    Jürgen Wo.
