New connection at new address

vor einem Jahr



I recently moved to my new apartment in Walter May Weg and got a Telekom contract from MediaMarkt. The salesman told me that Fiber optics (although not shown on the website) would be available. However, I got an email from Telekom that the fiber optics would only be available by November ‘24. I went back to store and he mentioned it’s a delay caused by cancellation of my previous Vodafone contract. He has created a NEW contract with Telekom (without cancellation request from Vodafone) and said I should receive my connection in the next few days. Could I please get a call back from Telekom customer service to understand the next steps please? I also need to confirm if my initial Telekom contract is cancelled (since I did not receive an email from Telekom).


second time, The salesman also mentioned that until fiber is installed - I should be receiving Cable connection with a speed of 400 mbps (I opted for Magenta 500). I would really appreciate some support since I work from home and would need internet asap. 



  • vor einem Jahr

    Hi @Shebin Chacko 

    Since you concluded the contract with MediaMarkt, there is no revocation.


    So that a team can help you, please enter your details in your profile here.

    This goes under: 

    What is the best way to fill?

    Click on “More information” (spoiler).

    Zuerst prüfen.


    Dann hier befüllen

    Und zum Schluss:

    Auch wichtig bei dem telefonischen Gespräch die letzten 6 Zahlen der hinterlegten IBAN und die Kundennummer griffbereit zu haben. Dies geschieht für den Datenabgleich.






    vor einem Jahr

    @Johannes P.  thank you for the quick update and call. Cheers!

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

