New Internet Connection

vor 3 Jahren

Hello, I just moved to a new apartment and tried to place an order for a Magenta Zuhause M. It redirected me to the Fiber Optic connection so I just ordered there. I didn't realize I would have to wait for the fiber optic connection to be installed before I get internet connection! It indicated the expansion is expected to take place between February 1st and December 31st, 2022. Can somebody help me sort this out so I can get Internet asap? I appreciate directing me to an English-speaking helpline - I don't speak Deutsch yet. 



  • vor 3 Jahren

    Joshua G.

    I appreciate directing me to an English-speaking helpline

    I appreciate directing me to an English-speaking helpline
    Joshua G.
    I appreciate directing me to an English-speaking helpline

    As far as I know there is no such. Just as there is e.g. no German speaking helpline in the U.K. or the U.S. Zwinkernd


    Maybe one of the " Teamies " can help you sort out the issue together with you.


    Worst scenario would be that there is no copper DSL line available and that the fiber is not yet there.

    You might proactively check the mobile network coverage in your new apartmentt - that would be the no doubt fastest way to get internet access. Meanwhile also flexible tariffs are available that can be cancelled on a monthly basis.




    vor 3 Jahren

    Hi @Joshua G.,



    @Joshua G.  schrieb:

    I can be reached by phone everyday from 4PM onwards.

    include this saturday evening or is the weekend excluded? If I can call today, please have your customer number at hand, we will need it to verify it is your account. 🙂




    Johannes P.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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