No access to the Internet despite a working router and an activated line

vor einem Jahr

Hello everyone,

I got an issue while trying to connect to the wifi after activating my line (DSL router SpeedPort Smart 4 Typ B), it suddenly displayed “please log in” on my smartphone with this message:

"Willkommen! Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Telekommunikationsanbieter Ihrer Wahl. Geben Sie dort die nachfolgend aufgeführte Vorwahl und Leitungs-ID an, um ihren Anschluss ggfs. ohne Technikerbesuch bereitzustellen [...]"  (page on The router has been power cycled, reset and is running fine.

Can you please suggest what should be my next step? My Deutsch is absolutely bad, so I can speak English only. Should I call the hotline? Can anyone provide me please the Phone number of customer service that speaks English?

Thanks in advance!



  • 1 Stern Mitgestalter

    vor einem Jahr

    @Oleksii Chuiev First of all, you need to fill out your profile, so that someone from telekomhilft-team is able to contact you. Do not forget to click on Speichern or Submit.

    Only the team is able to see your contact details. You are sure that the line is up and running? Come back here, when you did this and let us know. Thanks. Do you have the day / date, when the line should be up and running?

    Add a timeframe in your profile, within you are reachable.


  • 1 Sterne Mitglied

    vor einem Jahr

    Hello @KabelDigifreak and thanks for the reply.

    I filled the profile with the needed data (at least with what I was able to fill).

    Line is up and running since 11:00 AM Jan 10 2024 which was confirmed by technicker via phone call.

    My router Speedport Smart 4 Typ B is showing me that everything is ok, connection is gut, all indicators are green.

    If I understood it correctly I have to fill Vorhawl and Leitungs-ID somewhere to "bind" it with my account or router, but don't know where (I might be wrong).

    I'm accessible from 9 AM till 8 PM on work days.




    vor 11 Monaten

    Hey @Oleksii Chuiev,


    thanks again for your time and patience.

    I'm glad that everything is finally working. 


    Best regards

    Louisa G.

  • 1 Sterne Mitglied

    vor 11 Monaten

    Thanks @Louisa G. for taking care of this question and getting back to me 🙏


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