Fiber optic line not activated

vor 3 Jahren

Dear Telekom Team,


sorry for the English but my German is not good enough to handle a technical discussion.


I recently moved to a new house in Gemmrigheim but after 1 month still don't have internet access. Everything is well configured, the router is set up and the junction box is already mounted. What's only missing is the QR code of the junction box that needs to be generated on site by a technician. I contacted the fiber optics Hotline several times in any possible way but couldn't make any progress. So far no technician came to my place despite the multiple requests.

This situation becomes very annoying.


Can you please send me a technician to activate the line?


Thanks and best regards,

Rachid Alilou



  • vor 3 Jahren

    As you have already entered details into your profile, I have given the team members a call. 


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 3 Jahren

    Do you have a HomeID/Glasfaser-ID on your box? If so, what is it?
    Like A010xxx or something different? What contract did u order? Have u got a confirmation about that with a fixed date for activating your contract?




    vor 3 Jahren


    In case your house is a single-family house / detached house, the Home-ID always is A000011

    In case your house is a single-family house / detached house, the Home-ID always is A000011 



    In case your house is a single-family house / detached house, the Home-ID always is A000011 


    No, thats wrong. With the new system, its not A000xxx anymore. And according to the explanations, hes connected by the new system.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 3 Jahren

    Hello @rachid.alilou

    I had a look at the current status of your order. They order got cancelled because there is still a to-do for the construction company to finish. After they've done their to-do we are able to provide the line for you. I'll get in touch with our technique and ask for the current handling and come back to you as soon as I got news.

    Karsten L.




    vor 3 Jahren

    Hello @Karsten L. 


    it's correct, I received an email saying that the initial order was cancelled because an expansion of the fiber optic is necessary. According to the email, the expansion should had started on 13.09. I have tried to contact the construction company (L. W.) multiple times without success. The last information I received from the support last Wednesday, is that a Technician will come to my place to activate the line. And that someone will call me on 24.09 to set up an appointment. Didn't happen unfortunately... I'm lost.


    Kind regards

    R. Alilou

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 3 Jahren

    I Totally got your point, and I'm really sorry for that. Right now there is no option for me to make an appointment for you because there is still a to-do for the contraction company. The one that you tried to contact. That's the reason I contacted our special technique to get in touch with them and figure out how to speed up the process. I'll keep you up to date.

    Karsten L.




    vor 3 Jahren

    Hello @Karsten L. 


    were you able to figure out what is blocking the line activation?

    As I am mainly doing home office, I highly rely on a good and stable Internet connection.  For the time being, I am burning through my mobile data Traurig

    I still don't understand why a simple line activation can take so much time and requires so much efforts to get it done.

    I cannot accept this situation anymore. Given you are not providing the service I hired, the only option left is to cancel the contract.


    Very disappointed.



    R. Alilou

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 3 Jahren

    Hello @rachid.alilou, and sorry for the late reply.

    Unfortunately I, or we rather, haven't heard back from our colleagues, which is why I escalated the issue internally.
    I will let you know, when I have something to show for.

    Kind regards
    Nico B.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 3 Jahren

    Hey @rachid.alilou,

    we are still communicating with the technical department about your issue.
    They will figure out the problem, so we will find a solution for you. We just need some feedback from our colleagues.
    Thank you so much for being this patient, and sorry for the late response.

    I wish you a great evening & kind regards
    Christina P.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 3 Jahren

    Good morning @rachid.alilou,

    it appears to me, that you actually cancelled your order, which is why we also don't get an answer from our colleagues.
    In order for us to help you, you would have to order a new contract.

    Kind regards Nico B.




    vor 3 Jahren

    Hello @rachid.alilou, and sorry for the late reply again.

    I've just escalated your issue internally.
    You will get a call regarding this situation in the next few days from one of my colleagues.

    Kind regards
    Nico B.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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