
No Internet After Glasfaser Activation: ISP Issue or Dose or Modem Problem?

vor 4 Monaten

Hello, yesterday evening I received the Telekom Glasfaser Modem 2, and I completed the setup via the Einrichtungsassistent without any issues. After the process, I received both an email and an SMS, confirming that the configuration of my fiber connection was complete. The SMS specifically mentioned:

"Die Konfiguration Ihres Glasfaseranschlusses ist abgeschlossen. Bitte verbinden Sie nun Ihren Router mit dem Glasfaser-Modem. Details zur Verkabelung können Sie dem zum Glasfaser-Modem beigefügten Anschalthinweis oder den zu Ihrem Router mitgelieferten Unterlagen entnehmen."

You may also see the e-mail that I received attached.

Following this, I connected my TP-Link Archer AX55 AX3000 Gigabit Wi-Fi 6 Router to the modem. However, even though the modem's light is solid green, the router displays an orange light.

Then, I reset the modem and restarted the router, but the issue persisted. Following that, I removed the router and connected the modem directly to my computer via an ethernet cable. But my computer didn't receive a valid IP address from the modem, so I manually set a static IP with the following settings:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
I was able to access the modem's interface, and I took screenshots of the status page.

On the Status Page, the Link Status under LAN interface shows 0 Mbit/s, which seems to indicate no active connection.
Then I used the "Problem Handling" option to restart the modem from the interface, but this didn't resolve the issue either.

Does the 0 Mbit/s Link Status indicate a problem with the fiber optic socket or the modem itself?

Could this issue be related to  ISP  or is it more likely a hardware issue with the modem or fiber optic connection?

Should I try any further steps, or is it best to contact Telekom support at this point?

I would appreciate any guidance or troubleshooting tips.
Thank you for your support!

The screenshots and the images of modem and router attached.












  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 3 Monaten

    the credentials are normally no longer necessary if the so-called Easy Login is activated. I believe this is on by default.
    You can then simply enter any fantasy values for username and password in the router.
    But you have to select “custom” under ISP -settings and enter the value 7 for VLAN-ID. Otherwise it won't work under any circumstances.








    vor 3 Monaten

    Thank you for the support and have a wonderful weekend as well!!

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer

