Fiber Interner has no connection.

vor einem Jahr

Hi Good day!


Today, i have my Fiber internet (Glasfaser) configured by the technicians. I received an email that would guide me in activating the glasfaser modem and had it successfully configured. But the problem is there is no connection. The main router and glasfaser modem flashes a green light, however upon connecting to the internet, it says that there is no connection. Is there any issue with the connection with the fiber? Or it has something to do with the glasfase modem activation?


i would really appreciate your help.

thank you



  • vor einem Jahr

    Hello and welcome,


    the Glasfaser-Modem 2 needs to have a constant green light on it. It shows, that the Modem is Online.  After the step you must get the Patch cable and connect it with the blue- Port (WAN-Port) on the Router.


    However, both devices can be in one, so you need to tell us, which Router do you have.




    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

