No internet despite DSL being fine

3 years ago


I ordered Magenta Regio L like 3 months ago, and today technician finally arrived. After checking everything, he said to wait for 30-60 minutes and it should be up and running, but it wasn't after 3 hours. I started to google the solution to this and I found that I need to put my access codes in the router configurator. The problem was that I only received T-Online Nummer and password by traditional mail, nothing on my e-mail. I found a topic here that let me download new access codes which I did. So I put that info (Anschlusskennung and Mitbenutzernummer) in the configuration page. It says that DSL is active and I'm connected to the Internet, but there is no Internet access from my smartphone nor PC.  I'm lost what to do next, I waited for 3 months and it's not working. My router is Speed Port Smart 4.  Both my Wifi icon and DSL are constant green. I actually went to a Telekom Shop in which the lady told me that I shouldnt put any codes in the router page, that this model configures on itself. But it doesn't. What's my next step? Technician? Sorry for English, but my German is "kleine", hope someone can help me.



  • 3 years ago

    The problem with Regio connections is that Telekom is not the owner of the DSL equipment in this case but only rents it from another provider. This is why the configuration does not work exactly the same as with "regular" Telekom DSL. 

    I know that your German is not the best, but this is the best document I could find: 


    I would suggest you reset the router, take some time and try again.




    2 years ago

    I went to the Telekom shop on 16.09 and they said that the connection wasn't established properly, and it should be fixed on 19.09 (no technician needed, just some data change), but it's still not working. Any more info? It's been 12 days since the technician came and still no internet. Probably soon the money for a month of "using the internet" will be deducted from my bank account but I don't have Internet connection. No one can tell me anything what's wrong, just that it's on your side and it's beggining to be really annoying, at least communication which is really slow and non informative. 



    2 years ago

    Hey @Barezi91,


    I totally understand your anger and the colleagues will really call you as fast possible. 

    As @Martin Bo. already told you, we have a special way to contact the Regio department.

    We also take a further look into this issue.

    They also will try to fix it over here, and then they will inform immediately about the next steps.

    I ask again for a little time frame for patience.


    Thank you so much & kind regards

    Christina P.



    2 years ago


    I'm glad to tell that it's fixed. Aparently Regio needs special Zugangsdaten login and password, something that everyone before said it's not necessary to do.  I didn't receive anything like that before and after a quick phone call they sent me an e-mail with all data needed. Thanks for everyone replying here!

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