Speedport Pro Plus startet willkürlich neu

1 year ago

Mein Speedport-Plus-Router startet unregelmäßig neu. Ich habe gelesen, dass es sich um ein bekanntes Problem handelt und ich möglicherweise auf einen anderen Router, nämlich den Speedport Smart 4, umsteigen muss.

Wie kann ich meinen Router austauschen? Soll ich einfach einen bei Amazon kaufen?


Ich brauche bitte Hilfe auf Englisch.


-- english below --


My speedport plus router restarts randomly. I have read that it is a known issue and I might need to switch to a different router, namely the Speedport Smart 4.

How do I go about switching my router? Do I just buy one off Amazon?



  • 1 year ago


    Soll ich einfach einen bei Amazon kaufen?

    Soll ich einfach einen bei Amazon kaufen?
    Soll ich einfach einen bei Amazon kaufen?



    If you have rented the Speedport Pro Plus from Telekom, you can cancel the rental agreement by simply returning the router.

    You can do this at the following address.



    If you bought the router from Telekom, you can't simply exchange it for another model. Here only the router is exchanged for the same model.



  • 1 year ago

    Ok, thank you @HappyGilmore .


    I went ahead and ordered the Speedport Smart 4 for rental.


    When I go to return the old device I see the following message:



    Will I be additionally charged for returning the device early even though I am renting a new one?






    1 year ago


    Will I be additionally charged for returning the device early even though I am renting a new one?

    Will I be additionally charged for returning the device early even though I am renting a new one?
    Will I be additionally charged for returning the device early even though I am renting a new one?

    Since your Speedport Pro Plus is still in the minimum contract term of 12 months, you have to pay compensation if you want to replace your router now.

    I informed the Team. Please have your customer number and the last 6 digits of your IBAN ready for authentication. Please also provide a callback number and a time window.

    Unlogged in user



  • 1 year ago

    Thanks for the nice conversation @relikt.

    I'm glad that we could clarify the whole situation.

    Drop me a line if I can do anything for you.

    I wish you a wonderful Sunday evening.

    Kind regards,
    Martin Bo.


  • 1 year ago

    Thank you @HappyGilmore and @Martin Bo. 


Unlogged in user

