
Widerruf des Vertrags vor Beginn der Vertragslaufzeit

vor 3 Monaten

(i am sorry for writing this in English, but I can also speak german but more comfortable in English)
On the 12th September 2023, a Telekom Ranger came to my house and suggested for me to change the internet provider service to Telekom that will starts on 25th February 2025. I have received a email and all with Vorvertragpflichte Informationen and it said that my previous Anbieter  (Vodafone) has approved to change it, and the "welcome email". However, I didn't received any documents with my signature (email nor letter).

Fast forward, last June, my previous Internet Provider contacted me and offered a better offer and service for me and I decided to continue with them. I asked them what is the process and what happened between me and Telekom, and they said I need to contact Telekom on my own because they couldn't do anything as the contract with the Telekom hasn't even started.

I then, call the Telekom customer service and told them about the cancellation of the Vetrag on the 25th February 2025, and they said don't worry everything will be settled as everything will be well informed later.

However, today, I have received an email from Telekom "Bestätigung zu Ihrem Festnetzauftrag" and stated  that Techniker will come to my house on the 25th February 2025 and will set up the Telekom Magenta Zuhause S for me.

I am now confused as I thought it is already settled, I have also email again the about this case. I want to know is there anything that I could do more, I want to cancel the Vetrag with Telekom 



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

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    vor 3 Monaten




    vor 3 Monaten

    Hello @mdhilmi , thank you for the response. I just forwarded it to my colleague @Jonas W. . If there is anything else we can do for you, just let us know. Fröhlich


    Kind regards Sven 

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 3 Monaten

    Hey @mdhilmi, 👋


    Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear that you’d like to cancel the switch from Vodafone to us. As @Marcel2605 mentioned, you have 14 days from the day you received the order confirmation (Auftragsbestätigung) to cancel the contract. Since you’ve already used our contact form and received an acknowledgment of receipt, you should get a cancellation confirmation within the next few days via email. 😊


    I hope we will soon have an offer that suits you better and you might consider switching to us again. 🙏 If any more questions arise, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.


    Best regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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