Wrong invoice for December month
vor 4 Jahren
Hello Telekom,
I have a concern regarding my bill for the month of December.
I have been charged 58,88 Euros for international calls.
Verbindungen zum ausländischen Festnetz Ländergruppe 2 16.12.20 - 17.12.20 58,88
I did try calling a international number on 16th and 17th of December , but the call was not clear. All I could hear was the beep sound, I kept saying "hallo" "hallo" .. The call was never clear or heard .. I could not speak to any one on the other end. It happned on both days on 16th and 17th December. Later I quit trying from Telekom Phone and made the calls from other mobile phone.
If you can't I can submit the bill of the other mobile phone to prove that I had called the same number from that number as it was not working on Telekom.
As I could not connect and talk on these calls, I request you to cancel these charges in my bill. I have been wrongly charged for these calls.
The call never went through, it was only beep noise on the call.
Request you to check and remove these charges from my bill for December.
If you need to call me, please arrange for a call back in English language.
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Akzeptierte Lösung
Karsten L.
Telekom hilft Team
akzeptiert von
vor 4 Jahren
I got your point. But there is no option for me to tell you anything else than the special team did.
There were a few call that took over a few minutes. Personally I don't understand, why you called a few times for a longer time when you said that you couldn't hear anyone. I understand it, when you put down the phone ones but not for a few times.
I'm really sorry that I can't do more for you. There is no option for me to refund these costs for the calls.
Karsten L.
Uneingeloggter Nutzer
Karsten L.
Karsten L.
Telekom hilft Team
vor 4 Jahren
I had a look at this a could see that you already had contact with our special team. They checked everything and gave you all information and details about these calls and also told you that some calls were made over 20 Minutes. So there is also no option for me about a refund. I'm sorry.
Karsten L.
Karsten L.
vor 4 Jahren
Hi Karsten,
Thanks for the explanation. But I would like to re-iterate the fact that the calls were not audible. All I could hear was the beep sound and some noise, I kept saying "hallo" "hallo" .. The call was never clear or heard .. I could not speak to any one on the other end. It happened on both days on 16th and 17th December. Later I quit trying from Telekom Phone and made the calls from other mobile phone.
I've attached the detailed bill from the other telephone operator, please check on 16th and 17th I had to make calls to the same number as it was not clear / audible on Telekom. Can I be on call with the same number at the same time from 2 different phones ?
Also I would have opted for the international add-on pack if I had to spend so much time on INTERNATIONAL calls, it would be much cheaper for me if I did so. I had to make urgent calls for 2-5min thats the reason I tried from Telekom. But it never worked.
Thats why after 16th and 17th I never used Telekom for international calls as it doesn't work properly. Check my attachment you will understand.
I'm raising a concern with quality of service here, I don't mind paying you for services I used. But for the calls that were not audible and clear ? Do I just pay without raising a call quality complaint ? The 20min call duration was because the call was not audible and frustrated I put the phone down may be the call didn't get disconnected.
Can you help to escalate this matter to your grievance redressal team ?
I sincerely request you to once again re-consider my complaint and do what best is possible in this regard.
Thanks & Regards
*Attachment deleted. Please do not post any personal information.
Uneingeloggter Nutzer
Karsten L.
Uneingeloggter Nutzer