wrongly charged for cancelled connection

vor 6 Monaten

I have been wrongly charged twice (for the month of August and September) for my connection that I had canceled after ordering from check24.de.





i was delivered the WLAN Comfort (Speedport Smart 4 + Speed ​​Home WLAN) and i tried to return it at a telekom store but they refused to collect it and now im being charged its rent wrongly.

pls look into it. 







  • vor 6 Monaten


    Speedport Smart 4 + Speed Home WLAN

    Speedport Smart 4 + Speed ​​Home WLAN
    Speedport Smart 4 + Speed ​​Home WLAN

    You must return the devices with a return label and a transport service provider.

    Until you do this, you will be charged for the devices.

    Please note that the contract period is at least 12 months after the 14-day "Widerrufsfrist" period has expired.



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    actually i had canceleld the order in july itself when i had ordered from check24. even before the router got delivered. even after cancelling the order, it got delivered, i did not know how to return it so itook it to at telekom shop and tehy refused to collect it, i asked tehm to keep it with themselves and help me return it the teh next day but they refused so i had to carry the whole parcel back to my place, and since tehn its there at my place and im being charged for it even thjough im not even using it.

    actually i first palce da oder for a telkom connection using cgheck24 but then when i visted a telkom shop they asked me that its bettr i get a conncetion through the shop itself so tehy made me cancel my check24 order and place a bew oreder for a landline connectoon there itself so i am using the internet connection taht i ahve orderd from the shop but the routers from the prev order of checkj 24 still oot delivered and im struck with them and im paying for my current ordeer and have to pay for teh previous cancelled order which i tried to even return.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    There are two different contracts for internet and devices. I suspect that only the tariff was canceled.

    Therefore, the routers were delivered.

    The delivery included a return slip that had to be used within 14 days to return the devices

    The shop cannot actually help with this


    I don't understand this sentence

    "taht i ahve orderd from the shop but the routers from the prev order of checkj 24 still oot delivered and im struck with them "

    The router is at your home - at least that's what you wrote


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    i meant that right now i am using the connection and the routers under the contract that i made at the telkom shop but i am still being charged for the router and connection from the previous order that i had booked from check 24 and was told to cancel by the telekom shop guy once he suggested me to book a new connection from the store itself.

    And yes i do have the routers from the previous order still at my home and now im unable to return it when i put the deposit very note number on the website.  i am stuck with the routers, please help me how to return it back as i am not even using the previous delivered routers and stop the charges immediately.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    when cancelling the order i specifically asked the telekom shop guy that if i would be charged for any charges if the router gets delivered form the check24 order and he assured me that the router wont be even delivered in the first place since i have cancelled the order in July itself before the revoke period got over. But still the rouetr got delivered and at that time i did not know how to return it and that I only have to return it back by creating a return form of any kind so unknowingly i took the box to the the shop itslef hoping that they would help me in returning it back but all they said that they wont be able to do it and i have to figure it out myself only


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    try using this link - to gerarate a new retrun label for the devices

    Mietgerät zurückgeben (telekom.de)


    Normally, compensation amounting to half of the remaining rental period is due


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    what what? so my contract was for 2yrs, so that means ill have to pay for 12 months upfront rent even if i return the devices now?

    please call me, i need to discuss this. +4915XXXXXXXXXX



    Phone number removed by @Jonas W. 




    vor 6 Monaten


    so that means ill have to pay for 12 months upfront rent even if i return the devices now

    so that means ill have to pay for 12 months upfront rent even if i return the devices now
    so that means ill have to pay for 12 months upfront rent even if i return the devices now

    yes, you have 2 weeks to return it without cost and then the minimum rent period is 12 month.

    The 2 weeks have passed -  so you have to pay for 12 month - the rules apply to everyone, so also for you


    everything else is goodwill


    You have to wait until an official Telekom support reads this - they can call you

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    well thanks for the help, i guess i need to go to the store and discuss it with the person there itself who made me cancel the order in the first place. because how is it even fair that i already have an existing contract for which im paying and have to pay for the cancelled one too. but thanks for the help, i hope someone from telecom sees this asap and calls.






    vor 6 Monaten


    and discuss it with the person there itself who made me cancel the order in the first place.

    and discuss it with the person there itself who made me cancel the order in the first place.
    and discuss it with the person there itself who made me cancel the order in the first place.

    Form my point of view, save this time.

    The stuff in the store can not  deside questions regarding online contractes.


    Wait for the stuff here in the community


    Melancholie read this



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    well nevertheless i went to the store and met the guy, he actually told me to bring the router to him back tomorrow and he said someone from telekom(english) will call me soon and deal with the situation, and he assured that i wont be charged for the whole 12 months since its not a fault from my end since i was sent the router even though i had cancelled the contract way before receiving it.




    vor 6 Monaten

    Hey @kunalseernanni, 👋


    I'm sorry to hear that you were apparently charged for two devices. That sounds really frustrating. If I understood you correctly, you have already returned the device at the nearest Telekom shop? That's great! If there's still a need for clarification, I'd be happy to offer you a callback. Just let me know a time frame (e.g., 10-12 AM) when I can reach you.


    Best regards

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 5 Monaten

    hi jonas. yes i have returned the devices at the nearest store, but still i havent received the money back that was deducted from my account, also ive been again asked for more 32 euros pending money. i can attach the invoice pdf if you want. and yes ill be free today if youd wanna have a conversation 

    Thank you





    vor 5 Monaten



    Thank you very much for the pleasant conversation earlier 🙂


    As discussed, I have posted you the corresponding credit note, as compensation was charged due to premature return. The credit note will be credited to your bank account the next day 👍🏽


    Best regards

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

