
lost my number trying to port it...

vor 2 Jahren

hi, i was messing around trying to get a new contract with another companies. from some of them i got rejected, some of them havent yet answered, and some of them as they were taking long i wrote them wanting to cancel the process...
now i receive an email from telekom saying my phone number has been ported. then i go to check my phone and i see i have no coverage anymore, i lost my number...

i dont even know to which company it has been ported to. 

please, is there any way to bring back my phone number? is there any way to do that without having to talk with that other company (which i dont even know who is)? or, if not, can i know to which company my number has been ported? 



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 2 Jahren

    Thanks a lot for your time and being here to reply. 
    i called them and some very nice girl helped me in a moment, by reinstating my phone number immediately. 

    this is why i stay with telekom. Best customer service ever in any country. 


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer

