
Who can help me to correct my customer information?

2 years ago

Hello all,


I had bought a prepaid mobile SIM card in Deutche Telekom business hall, a DT employee inputted my information into DT customer database.

The problem is he made mistake, the province in my passport is inputted as my first name.

This mistake cannot be correct after visited DT business hall for two times.


Could you tell me how to correct my customer information in DT customer database?

Thank you very much.


Best regards,




  • Accepted Solution

    accepted by

    2 years ago

    Thanks for the nice conversation @y2021.

    As discussed, please provide me a document where you prove your identity via our form here:

    Please let me know, as soon as you have sent me the document, so I can take the necessary steps.

    I look forward to your message. 

    Kind regards,

    Martin Bo.




    2 years ago

    @Martin Bo. @Sarah D. @Malte M. 

    Thank you for all your help, the customer information is corrected.

    Best regards,


    Unlogged in user



  • Accepted Solution

    accepted by

    2 years ago

    Good evening @y2021.

    I have updated your name in our system. If you want to add a mobile number to the Telekom login, proceed as follows:

    1) Go to the customer center, and click on "Vertrag hinzufügen".

    2) Select the item "Bestehenden Vertrag hinzufügen".

    3) Now you have the option of adding more mobile numbers or deleting assignments.

    If you need further assistance, please let me know.

    Kind regards,

    Martin Bo.


  • Accepted Solution

    accepted by

    2 years ago

    Thanks for your feedback, @y2021 


    I found the problem. 

    The number you like to add had an other customer number. 

    Now I delete the second customer number and add the contract to your actual customer number. 

    Please go into your customer center and check it.

    Does it works right now? Überglücklich 


    Kind regards 

    Carolin L. 

