2 years Wifi contract cancellation

3 years ago

Hello,  I need help for my Wifi contract.

My contract was going to end in May 2022, but last year in November 2021, I moved out within Germany.

I didn't know that if I change my address,my contract will be renewed for 2 years again... But anyway, when I changed my address and Telekom Techniker came to my new apartment, we couldn't find some kind of "switch" (source of Internet) in my apartment building, and so the wifi connection in my room can't be enabled. So I don't have internet at my new place now, and My contract has renewed and I have to pay every month again for 2 years... I would like to know whether I can cancel my wifi contract or not under my situation... Thank you.



  • 3 years ago

    Hello @Mirin ,


    Thank you for your contribution.

    You should have applied for a move according to the Telecommunications Act. And that is only possible with a telephone hotline or in a Telekom shop.

    Telekom will check whether your connection can be implemented 1:1 in the new apartment. If not, you would have 1 month special right of termination.


    You applied for your move incorrectly, so no new contract has been created.


    And that's not a WiFi contract. WLAN is the wireless connection between router and end device. What you mean is a DSL contract.

    Unfortunately, this was a normal move and thus a new contract was created.

    What I don't understand, what did the technician do that he couldn't switch?

    Why are you only coming up with your problem now and not in November?


    What do you mean by "switch internet source"?


    Is there a TAE box in the apartment? What does the connection look like where the Ri'outer would have to be connected?

    Please take a picture and post the screenshot here.



  • 3 years ago

    Good evening @Mirin.

    As @Marcel2605  told you, the usual step is to check first if you can take the contract to the new location. Unfortunately, you ordered on your own, a contract, and you just got in touch with us a couple of months later.

    I'm sorry to break it to you down, but unfortunately, we can not do this process now because it is already too late.

    If you have any questions or if you need assistance, please let me know, I will gladly help you.

    Kind regards,

    Martin Bo.




    3 years ago

    Ähm, das Hauptproblem scheint zu sein, daß der OP in der neuen Wohnung keinen Internetzugang hat, weil anscheinend der Techniker keine TAE oder vielleicht auch den APL nicht gefunden hat.

    Unlogged in user



  • 3 years ago


    we couldn't find some kind of "switch" (source of Internet) in my apartment building

    we couldn't find some kind of "switch" (source of Internet) in my apartment building
    we couldn't find some kind of "switch" (source of Internet) in my apartment building

    Wegen "building" vermute ich mal, daß mit "switch" der APL gemeint ist, aber ich mag mich irren.


  • 3 years ago

    Hello again @Mirin.

    I have tried to call you in vain.

    The number which you have provided in your profile is unfortunately not valid.

    Can you please provide a correct number,

    so I can, call you and try to help in case you have still issues with your connection?

    Kind regards,

    Martin Bo.


Unlogged in user

