Cancellation of WiFi contract: relocation to new house with Life Partner

1 year ago

Hello Team,


I am moving in with my life partner. She already has an internet connection.


I want to cancel my current contract. I already filled out and submitted the form. Since there was no way to tell that I was moving in with my partner, I could not provide this information. 


Now, I got a reply from Telekom, telling me that they can not cancel my contract and it will run till 2025. I read somewhere that there is a special case for canceling one´s internet contract when they move-in/relocate with their life partner. Could someone throw some light on this law? Would this law apply in my case?

Thanks in advance.


Telekom internet User


P: S. It seems Telekom could provide the same service at the new location.



  • 1 year ago

    If your life partner at the new location also has Telekom internet -> yes (see here:


    Else, no its not possible.

    Since you could move the contract to the new location you cannot cancel it before the date is reached.


  • 1 year ago

    @Shahbaz Ahmed Azmi  schrieb:
    P: S. It seems Telekom could provide the same service at the new location.

    What quality does this statement have?

    Have you officially ordered to bring your contract to the new location, without further contract change?

    If the answer/result was "yes, possible" then no reason for "seems".


    If you haven't done so, but rather checked on your own - then it is a "seems" - not clear whether yes or no. Then pls let Telekom check whether yes or no...






    1 year ago

    Good morning @Shahbaz Ahmed Azmi,



    thank you for the message.


    The following is important to know when moving:

    1. your contract always moves to where you are moving to.

    2. this of course depends on whether we can take over the line 1 to 1 at the new address. If this is not technically feasible, you have a special right of termination.

    3. if two households move together and both have a Telekom contract, the higher-value contract will remain in place.

    4. if you move in with someone who has a contract with another provider, your contract will still be taken over (assuming point 2).


    You have submitted an online notice of termination at the end of the contract term and have not moved. That's why the contract was only terminated at the end. So to 2025.


    Kind regards 
    Christina P.

    Unlogged in user



Unlogged in user

