
Check24 Internet, Eingangsbestätigung aber keinen Bereitstellungstermin erhalten

vor 2 Jahren

Hello, on 16.06.2023 I made a request through check24 for the internet and got an acknowledgment of a receipt from "".
I assume telekom received it in the end, but since then I got no other information or any way to know if my request is being processed or not.

In die Eingangsbestätigung I can see "Terminwunsch: 23.06.2023" but I assume its just a random date that was picked for me and have no power whatsoever Fröhlich .

I would like to know if there is way to know what is happening with my request, should I just wait for an answer?.


Many thanks and best regards!




  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 2 Jahren



    Thank you for the pleasant conversation earlier 🙏 As discussed, the order is currently hanging in the review. You will receive all the necessary information by letter. Nevertheless, I wish you a nice weekend.


    Best regards 

    Timur K. 
