
Duplicate contracts by Telekom Guy and double billing and deducted money from account

vor 6 Monaten

I have a Telekom contract MagentaZuhause L which I registered in February 2024 but due to Glasfaser construction work it was only possible to activate the connection from May 2024.


Afterwards on 06.05.2024 I called Telekom customer service to activate my connection as on the website it was showing "No further construction needed" on the Glasfaser status. Customer service successfully activate my connection over phone and I got an activation email and setup the modem and router.


After few months I got an email that Telekom Guy will come to my apartment to activate my connection where my connection was already activated. I told them my connection is already activated but still they wanted to come and check.


On 24.07.2024 telekom guy came into our apartment and re-setup everything. I got another email to activate the connection and I followed the instructions and successfully done the router and model setup. Unfortunately it started a new contract with the same package. Now I have two contracts but I'm only using one connection.

Today I got a new invoice which deducted money twice. It's really frustrating. What should I do now?



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 6 Monaten

    Hi @Abdullah A,


    so, please tell me if it worked out, as soon as you are home. The router and modem is connected, isnt it?






    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 6 Monaten

    Hello @Johannes P. 


    I checked the connection. Now It's working fine. I had to put the username and password in the router manually then it worked.

    Thank you so much for your effort.




    Uneingeloggter Nutzer

