
[English] New landline Internet connection not yet completed

2 years ago

I apologise for writing in English.


My DSL Internet connection was scheduled to be activated on 24.01.2023. I received one call from Telekom in the afternoon and got told that the connection should be working soon (if I understood him correctly, as my German is still extremely limited). I then received another call around 18:30, but I missed it.


The status on currently says that the order cannot be completed yet (Auftrag weiter in Bearbeitung), so presumably that was the reason of the second call. Can I ask the help team here what the current hold-up is and whether I need to do anything on my side?


Thank you!



  • Accepted Solution

    accepted by

    2 years ago

    Dear @Martin Bo. ,


    a technician has come and now the connection is fully working. Thank you very much for your help with all the calls. We especially appreciate your patience on Thursday when it was rather hectic on our end.


    Kind regards,

