The fiber modem keeps blinking green and the Internet connection is not completed

vor 3 Jahren

Dear Telekom Team,


The Telekom technical services came my home and tried to set up my Internet, but it was not completed because the fiber modem keeps blinking green (it's not permanent green).

The technical told me that he doesn't know why this was happening, so recommended me asking for Telekom customer services.

My contract has just started from today (this means I pay money for my Internet which isn't working).


Could you please solve this problem or let me know if there is anything I should do as soon as possible?

Thank you in advance.


Kind regards,



  • vor 3 Jahren

    Good evening @ramen1,

    please excuse me for showing up this late!

    I don't mean to disturb you by calling this late. Would it be okay if I call you up tomorrow? I'll be back in service no later than 3:30pm.

    I'm sure we'll find a solution! What I can tell by now is that, if a problem occurs during the installation of a line, the contract and billing doesn't start at this very date, but will pend until the problem is solved.

    Looking forward to your answer!

    Kind regards,
    Anna J.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

