How do I find my Access Number?

vor 3 Jahren

Hello. I have a landline/DSL service. I have a customer number, order number, and the landline phone numbers. My internet service is working and Telekom has debited from my bank account.


I'm trying to access my contract/bills online, but it looks like I need an "access number." I do not recall this being listed in any documentation. It's also not visible in the router.


How do I find my access number?



  • vor 3 Jahren

    Hi @Gelöschter Nutzer,

    thank you for contacting us.
    You need your landline access data for the first registration in the landline customer center."You should have received it by mail"
    You use this to log in and then set an email address with which you can later log into the customer center.
    On this page ->, the registration in the customer center is described again.
    If you do not have any access data (anymore), I can send them to you again after legitimation by telephone.

    Best regards
    Fadi R.




    vor 3 Jahren

    Hello @Fadi A. 

    Please call me at your convenience to re-send the access data letter. Thank you!

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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