I am leaving Germany and would like to end my contract..

2 years ago

 I am leaving Germany and I would like to cancel due to termination. I have termination paperwork that I am leaving the 30 June 2023 this is for service reference number 27xxxxxxxx. I have attached a copy of my orders.



[@kanakaboy: I deleted your attachments with private data]



  • 2 years ago


  • 2 years ago



    Plse remove at once both attachments - they are containing confidential data.


    It is   n o t   allowed to show personal data in a public forum.


    If you do not so, the attachments will be removed by authorized personnel here.




    2 years ago


    "Do I have a special right of termination if I move abroad?

    Yes. If you move abroad, you have a special right of termination according to § 60 TKG (Telecommunications Act). You are legally granted a period of one month.

    We need one of the following documents, e.g. B. as proof:

    De-registration certificate from the registration office
    certificate by the employer
    marching orders (for soldiers)
    You are welcome to use the landline or mobile phone termination form and attach the proof as an attachment."
    Look here:

    Unlogged in user



  • 2 years ago

    Hi there @kanakaboy,


    A big shoutout to the members who already participated in this thread. 

    Please let us know if the given information was helpful to you. If not, we're more than happy to provide assistance. 


    Kind regards,


    Christian H.



Unlogged in user

