Moving to a new address, My current tariff is not available, Can I cancel the contract?

vor 4 Jahren

Hello everyone

I am moving to a new house, My current speed is 100Mbps, But Telekom only offers 16Mbps speed in my new house.

Can I cancel the contract?



  • vor 4 Jahren

    You need to proceed like that:

    1. via phone officially order to move your contract to the new address - unchanged in its conditions, under the Telekommunikationsgesetz conditions
    2. if Telekom tells you that they cannot deliver you can cancel the contract - however it will not be terminated immediately but rather in 3+ months time frame (assume you cancel today, it will be terminated May 31st, 2021)

    Good to know: it is not sufficient that you check the availabilty, it must be done by Telekom.


    Assuming that Telekom cannot deliver in the new address, Telekom will offer you to alternatively move your contract to the new address under new conditions (speed available there, now contract duration i.e. of typically 24 months)




    vor 4 Jahren

    If you try it again (and again) sooner or later you will have s.b. willing to speak English.


    Alternatively you yourself might be looking for a German speaking friend or colleague who can support you.


    Pleas fill your forum profile with customer number and working phone number so that s.b. from the Telekom forum team can call you back. The link you will find in my footer

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hi @A_sdt,

    good to see you here, I'll gladly assist, if you're still in need. Fröhlich

    Please be so kind as to fill in your customer number and a callback contact into your profile.
    Also, please tell me when to call you best.

    After a short legitimation call, IÄm sure I'll find a solution that serves you best.

    Kind regards
    Anna J.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

