
Neuer Anschluss und Verbindung, kein Internet

vor 5 Monaten

Hi, sorry for writing in english as my German is very poor Traurig

I recently got to a new apartment and took DSL connection from Telekom via check24. And I received the Auftragbestätigung from Telekom. I had bought the Fritzbox 7590 ax and tried the steps to set it up with Easy setup from Frtizbox. I get the following error.


"Internetzugang über DSL, Anbieter Telekom, Kapselung PPPoE, Tarifmodell: Flatrate oder Volumentarif: die Fritzbox ist immer mit dem Internet verbunden. Diese Einstellung ist nicht für Zeittarife geeignet."


And the DSL status shows unterbrochen. Should I have to wait for the Technician visit to get my internet running. Or there is something else I can fix myself. 





  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 5 Monaten


    It does not mention any delivery date only the appointment with the Technician for 7th October.

    It does not mention any delivery date only the appointment with the Technician for 7th October.
    It does not mention any delivery date only the appointment with the Technician for 7th October.



    Then October 7th is the official date. It doesn't work before that.

    The appointment cannot be brought forward. Let the technician come. There is a period of time there



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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