
Neuer Anschluss und Verbindung, kein Internet

vor 4 Monaten

Hi, sorry for writing in english as my German is very poor Traurig

I recently got to a new apartment and took DSL connection from Telekom via check24. And I received the Auftragbestätigung from Telekom. I had bought the Fritzbox 7590 ax and tried the steps to set it up with Easy setup from Frtizbox. I get the following error.


"Internetzugang über DSL, Anbieter Telekom, Kapselung PPPoE, Tarifmodell: Flatrate oder Volumentarif: die Fritzbox ist immer mit dem Internet verbunden. Diese Einstellung ist nicht für Zeittarife geeignet."


And the DSL status shows unterbrochen. Should I have to wait for the Technician visit to get my internet running. Or there is something else I can fix myself. 





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