Speedport smart does not work

vor 7 Jahren

Dear Community,

Unfortunately I don't speak German, and I find it really hard to get answers, so I hope somebody can help me here.
I am a new customer, I registered for the Internet service and it is supposed to be live from yesterday on.
I connected the router at the time it was specified in the mails, also used the DSL Hilfe App, and then it was working fine for a couple of hours.
I have a Speedport Smart router. At around 10pm, the router began continuously restarting, and by this morning it seems like it doesn't work at all.
What it does now is that the Status Led is on for a couple of secods, then it starts blinking for a few seconds. After that, all the other leds light up one by one for one second, and then it starts over again.

I tried restarting, and unplugging - waiting - replugging again, but it didn't work.
I then tried to call the service number, but I don't understand it. I also tried the online chat, but the person told me there, to call the number, so I'm not further with that.

I'm looking forward to any suggestions.



  • 5 Sterne Mitgestalter

    vor 7 Jahren

    Hallo @bence.demko,


    please have some patience I have informed the team Zwinkernd


    LG MarciPan


  • 4 Sterne Mitgestalter*in

    vor 7 Jahren

    Hi @bence.demko,


    Two options,


    a) The router unit is defective

    b) Something is wrong with the line


    Reading through your description, I tend to believe it is the router more than the line. Would you be able to get another router from a friend or neighbour and test it, just in order to locate the error?






  • Community Guide

    vor 7 Jahren


    Sorry to read about your problems. While I am just another Telekom customer maybe I can give you some hint...


    First of all it is quite normal that a brandnew Speedport Smart undergoes one or several Firmware Upgrades - hence a little bit of blinking action is to be expected. This does not necessarily happen on day 1 of internet service. So it can be that this is what was happening. As it is with all firmware upgrades - one should avoid interrupting them, because otherwise the box can be bricked.


    It sounds as if your Speedport Smart has a technical problem - not sure whether due to your interference or quite independent from that.

    Let's say - if you disconnect the DSL cable then any impact from Telekom side can be excluded. And if the Speedport Smart does not come up in a stable condition (i.e. without blinking LEDs after several minutes of operation) and if you do not succeed in opening a browser session to speedport.ip then the only thing that you can try further is a factory reset. And if that does not help then we can asume that the Speedport Smart needs to be replaced.


    Have you bought or rented it? In any case you need it replaced and you need to convice Telekom support people that this is the case - because the Speedport Smart does not behave properly even if disconnected from DSL. Maybe a "Telekom Teamie " in this forum can help you if you have filled your forum profile (I guess you have).



    By the way - probably in this situation there is no benefit from using the DSL Hilfe app




    vor 7 Jahren

    Yes, the internet connection is back as well.

    (The status led is now green)

    Thank you again for all the help!

  • 1 Sterne Mitglied

    vor 5 Monaten






    vor 5 Monaten

    Hi @LEbillin7654,


    I do not really understand it either. Were @muc80337_2 idea helpful?





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