Verbindungsabbrüche SPEEDPORT W 925V

vor 5 Jahren

Hi, first I want to apologize for speaking in English since I just moved from France to Germany, I don't speak the language yet.

As you can see on the title, I'm having some issues with little disconnection really frequently. First, I thought that it was because my house was big and the WiFi can't get everywhere in my house. In that case, I bought some Powerline adapter. It was better but I still had some disconnection. Afterward, I plugged my computer with LAN to see if it works, and ....... no still some disconnections.

Finally, I tried to call the hotline, but since it's in German I don't know which button to press so I can speak to a real person.

Then I made some research to know if I was the only one with this problem, but I saw that many people have the same as me and the only solution is to change the rooter. So I wanted to know which rooter I should try to stop those disconnections.


I saw that the SpeedPort Smart 3 is being advice by some people. However, I read on the forum that need to be careful of "ISDN-S0-Bus" before I choose my rooter but I really don't know what it is.


I am curently renting my rooter and I don't know if I'm able to return it and to rent another one.


Thank you very much !



  • vor 5 Jahren

    You only need the S0 Bus on the W925V if you have got an old ISDN telephone. Do you have something like that or are your handhelds (if you've got some) connected through DECT wirelessly?


    If you don't need the Bus a Telekom employee can change the router to a Smart 3 for you free of charge as the problem with the W925V is well known.


    Please enter your cunstomer number ("Kundennummer") and a number for callback ("Rückrufnummer") here and press "Sichern" afterwards so that a Telekom employee can see your data.


    Also just for your information: Powerline adapters can be troublesome if you've got a 100Mbit/s or higher connection through VDSL at home as the Powerline adapter will interfere with the DSL Signal and that may result in connection losses or significantly slower speeds. The probability is higher on DSL connections with higher speeds.




    vor 5 Jahren

    Hi, thank you very much for the fast answer !
    To answer your question I don't have any home phone with my rooter.
    I added the information that you told me.
    Thank you for the information but I don't have 100Mbit/s when I do a speedtest and I already had the problem before having powerline adapters and when I used them, the disconnection were less frequently



    vor 5 Jahren

    So I talked by text chat to someone from Telekom and they told me that the rooter "Speedport Smart 3" will arrive at my house the 22.08.

    Nevertheless, I just want to make sure that I can install the new rooter without having any issues.
    What's the difference between the Speedport W 925V and the Smart 3 (except the Smart 3 doesn't crash every 10 minutes)

    What are the requirements so I can install the Smart 3 without any issues ?

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 5 Jahren

    Hello @Sxfiane

    Welcome to our Community. I had a look at it. As soon as the new Router arrives at your place you can just set it up like to last one. There won't be any differences for the setup. But please give us a text as soon as you set up the Router also if you are having problems to install the Speedport Smart 3.

    Karsten L.




    vor 5 Jahren

    Hi I just installed my new rooter. I'll tell you if I keep disconnecting (I hope not)
    Thank you very much everyone for helping me.
    Now how do you want me to return the old rooter ?



    vor 5 Jahren

    Good evening @Sxfiane. I'm happy that you have already installed the new router. I keep my fingers crossed that the problem is solved now. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards Martin Bo.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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