
Need cancelation of mobile contract (sales guys - fraud action)

11 months ago

Dears, My name is Ana Marques and in August 2023, Telekom was at my place and told me that they would have fiber and they would change my Internet contract without any costs.  They gave me 4 Telekom SIM cards that they said to use in case the internet installation took longer than expected and they told me they would be for free! I never used these SIM cards. I was 6 months travelling without having access to Telekom website or letters (they wrote my email incorrectly) and now I got home and I have a huge bill to pay because they created a 2 years contract for the SIM cards. These guys took advantage of the fact I dont speak German and they created this contract without my knowledge. For me this is Fraud! I tried to call Telekom but no one speaks English. I created a complaint and also asked for the cancelation of the contract and still no one was able to help me Im trying my last try in this community site before i search for other legal support. Appreciate if someone can help Kind regards Isabel



  • Accepted Solution

    accepted by

    11 months ago

    Hi Team,


    I received a call today and Im already receiving support, hopefully we can find a solution

    Thank you all for your help




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