
Revocation of mobile contract after number portability

vor einem Jahr

Hello everyone,


I signed up for a new mobile phone contract on 16.11 from Check24 (through Logitel) with phone portability (from Aldi Talk prepaid). I have decided against the contract and chose another provider and requested revocation on 17.11 (yes, I didn't know that this was problematic, won't do it without thinking ahead next time :)). 

Telekom had already started the porting procedure with an activation date of 28.11. I did not receive a SIM from Logitel due to cancelation, but until yesterday morning (28.11), Telekom had not processed the withdrawal yet, and I found a new contact entry for the mobile phone (in addition to my landline Telekom contract). After contacting support, they said we should call Check24 because Telekom can't do anything about it. I called Check24 who told me to wait until the revocation is processed. In the afternoon, the contract disappeared from my Telekom account, and when I called my old number, it said it was not registered in the network.

I read on this forum that the number will go back to the old provider. Check24 support said that the number will stay with Telekom after revocation. I now want to take my old number to my new provider. Do I need to wait until the number is back? Who shall I contact?



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor einem Jahr

    Thank you for the very nice phone call, @TheNooBPRO . Überglücklich


    I'm very pleased that I was able to help you. Überglücklich


    Kind regards

    Carolin L. 


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer

