regarding the promised but never been transferred "Gutschriften"

vor 5 Jahren


I assume you could get all of my customer data from your system records. I have one small question; when I was applying to your internet services the employee in the Telekom shop told me that I would get 160Euro bonus after being a Telekom customer. It is also written on the Auftrag, along with the partner and the promoter code. It was in August, and I am using your services since September 2019, and the bills for September, October, November, December 2019 were already paid without any problem. But that bonus which was promised at the beginning never been transferred to my account.

Would you please kindly check and inform me when could I get this amount in my customer account or wherever you would transfer it?

Thanks a lot in advance for your support.





  • vor 5 Jahren



    I've informed a Telekom employee just a second ago. Just wait.



    Normally, if you have got a bonus credit it should be automatically added to your balance and you shouldn't pay any amount until the bonus is empty. As far as I can understand you you have a document ("Auftragsbestätigung") where the bonus is correctly noted?




    vor 5 Jahren

    Hi @FelixKruemel ,


    Thanks for your prompt response.

    It's written on the "Bestellbestätigung - Ihr Auftrag  bei der Telekom" this is exactly what the name of the document, and on the second page I got that bonus information.

    Openly I asked it directly to the employees in the shop but they did not help me at all, even one of them told me that I would get this bonus after paying the first 3 months bills, at that time it didn't make any sense but I had nothing to do other than accepting her explanation. Now the shop is closed I think it is under construction, I don't know. It's located in Erlangen Arcaden shopping mall.

    I will be waiting for the further support.

    Thanks and regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 5 Jahren

    Thanks for the nice conversation. As discussed, here is the form which you can use to attach the image Please tell me when you have sent the form. Kind Regards Martin B.




    vor 5 Jahren

    Hello @Martin Bo. ,


    Thanks a lot for your support,

    I already uploaded the pages via the link you provided, would you please kindly check them and let me know if there is anything additional necessary from my side so that I could send.


    Thanks and regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 5 Jahren

    Hello @ayhangencoglan. Thanks for the Images. For now, I don't need any additional information from you. I wrote to the employee who finalized the contract with you. I will get back to you as soon as I get an answer. I wish you a great evening. Kind Regards Martin B.




    vor 5 Jahren

    Hello @Martin Bo.

    Is there any news regarding your question to the employee?

    Thanks and regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 5 Jahren

    Hello @ayhangencoglan. Unfortunately I have not received a response yet. I also wrote to the supervisor of the employee. I will get back to you on Saturday and I'm pretty optimistic that we will find a solution. If you have further questions in the meanwhile, please don't hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards Martin B.


  • vor 5 Jahren

    Thanks for the kind conversation. As discussed you will get the promised Bonus soon. I wish you a great evening. Kind Regards Martin B.


Uneingeloggter Nutzer

