Speedport Smart 4 and Google TV WiFi connectivity issue

2 years ago

Hi Everyone!

My apologies for this post in English, unfortunately, my German is not fluent yet.

I have an issue with Speedport Smart 4 and Google TV device. Google TV is constantly disconnecting and reconnecting to the router whereas other devices do not have this issue.

Firmware version: 010146. (latest)
WiFi network 5G band with disabled AX frequency mode.

Is anyone who also has this issue? Reboot does not help.



  • 2 years ago

    Hello @easkerov


    The update of the type B has an error. Please subscribe to this thread to keep up to date. You should reinstall the previous version Here is the info from 03.10.

    Info vom 05.10.

    Firmware for Speedport smart 4 Typ B. Previous version






    Apparently there are difficulties using apps with the new firmware 010146. for the Smart 4 Type B. So far, the MagentaTV app on the MagentaTV One or an Apple TV has been mentioned here in the thread. And apps like B. SmartHome or MeinMagenta. There are long loading times, the apps "hang". I'm sorry that the firmware brings such problems with it, of course it shouldn't be like that.   Nevertheless, thank you all for narrowing down the error together and thank you @kurz59 and @viper.de for the support! The responsible colleagues from product management were informed by us, and the manufacturer was also informed. Replacing the MagentaTV Box or the Smart 4 Type B is not helpful. Please be patient, we will inform you here as soon as there is news. In the meantime, the predecessor firmware 010146. has been stored on all servers for the Speedport Smart 4 and is also available in the download portal. If required, please download directly there: https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/geraete-zubehoer/router/speedport/smart-serie   Everyone who had switched off EasySupport: Please enable EasySupport again.   Thank you @Thorsten37, @Tomilein, @HAMAPA, @CindyWandrei# and @rafaelk for the feedback! I may get back to you with questions. It would be great if everyone affected could store their customer number in their profile (only we from the Telekom helps team can see the data).






    2 years ago


    you can revert the firmware to the latest stable version before by following this link to download manually.


    After Download open you router config, navigate to System->Firmware Update and perform a manual update.

    Because this is a downgrade the router will reset to factory default after this procedure and needs to be configured from scratch.



    2 years ago

    Hi @Marcel2605 @viper.de 


    Thanks for your reply!  


    I will try to revert, however, the issue existed with the previous version of the firmware also. I have updated it to the latest one several days ago and the issue is happening for at least 1 month.







    2 years ago


    although I do not truly believe that this might be the reason you may try to switch back encryption mode in the router to WPA2 and disable Protected Managment Frames.

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