
Wrong Phone Number

vor 6 Jahren

Hello, I have been using MagentaZuhause M for the past few years and today I submitted the form on this website to change to MagentaZuhause L.


Unfortunately on the form I entered the wrong Vorwahl for my Handy number, I typed 0178 but it should have been 0176.  After submitting the form it said it sent a confirmation code to my Handy, which of course I didn't receive.  There was also an 'uberspringen' option so I clicked that, and it seems that everything is fine, but I didn't get a confirmation email either.


Is there any way to change the Handy number associated with my tariff change request?



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 6 Jahren

    I had a another look at it and now I know what's happening.
    You signed up for the preorder of VDSL100. As soon as the quicker line will be available you will get notified.
    The number will be changed as well.

    Everything is alright.


    Karsten L.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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