Problem mit Telekom-Shop Marienplatz

vor 4 Monaten

(Tut mir leid, mein Deutsch ist nicht gut und ich hatte nicht das Gefühl, dass Google die Details richtig übersetzen könnte.)


I bought 2 Xplora smart watches from Telekom Shop in Munich, Marienplatz last Saturday (November 9th) And also 2 e-sim contracts. The next day, I tried to activate the watches, one of them connected to Xplora app but the other never connected. And my interesting story with Telekom Marienplatz Shop started right at that time.


On Monday, I called Xplora call center to ask if there would be a way to connect this, they send a list of information that I should do. But nothing helped. Bytheway, I am pretty sure watch has a problem since we bought 2 watches and 1 of them works very well.


I wrote to Xplora again to say, watch still does not work, waited for a couple of days. Then, Xplora sent another email, a new to-do list.


On Friday (November 15th), I called Telekom call center, told the case, and asked if I could ask a change of this non-working watch from Marienplatz shop, and they said “sure, please go there and change it” (I can give exact time when this call happened, you should be recording these I guess). And the incident started here:


I went to the shop as usual, someone came to help, and I told the situation to the staff, they said “don’t worry, we are going to connect it”, took the watch and my mobile, worked like 30 minutes on it, and finally the guy came and said “we are sorry this watch does not work. Manager said we will send this watch to Xplora  company, they will investigate, and reply, so we’ll inform you what to do”.


This is the time I really get angry; I don’t remember when the last time was I felt more stupid then this time. I buy a watch, it never works, Xplora company cannot find a solution, Shop staff couldn’t connect, and the manager decides that I need to wait more weeks, may be months.


I was not as polite as I usually was this time, increased my voice inside the shop, to be honest, when I personally asked the Manager to change the defected watch again and he very very comfortably said “yes we will send it to Xplora, and you will wait”. And finally, he left the table saying “we are not going to serve you”.


I took all the stuff, watch and documents, left the shop, and called Telekom call center. Luckily, I found an operator who knows English, I told the situation, and thanks to this good man in Telekom, who told me that I always have the right to withdraw from this sales, “go to the shop, and give it back” he simply said.


I entered to the shop again, and told I want to give both watches back, and cancel their e-sim contract. But at the same time, please carefully note that, there were 2 smartwatches hanging on the wall when I entered the second time, and probably more and more inside.


Anyhow, they cancelled e-sim contracts, and did refund things through the bank. I thanked, and again went to reception saying “I am here to buy 2 smartwatches and 2 e-sim contracts”, they were surely surprised, noted my name on the wait list, and asked me to sit and wait. After 2 minutes, a staff came and said “unfortunately we do not have any smartwatches”. I was shocked since it was 3 minutes ago, watches were hanging there. I stood up and turned to the wall where the watches were hanged up, and shock! There were no watches there.


Now, the purpose I wrote all these is: I really really wonder, if there would be anyone in Telekom headquarters, who just could check Telekom Shop Marienplatz Munich’s stocks, to see whether they have smartwatches at 18:00 pm, November 15th. I don’t want to believe that a Telekom shop manager is hiding smartwatches from the wall like a kid hiding his/her toys from neighbors’ kid, just because I am using my legal right to deliver the watches back (even not because I didn’t like them, but only and only because one of them never worked).


Because, if there was stock in the shop at that time, I will be very very sorry for Telekom, one of the greatest private companies in Germany, that they unfortunately are working with liars in this franchise shop. They, within their knowledge, are punishing me. A Telekom shop manager who feels he is a judge and decides not to sell watches to a customer, who they sold defective watches just 1 week ago.


And imagine what this manager and his team would have been doing this to 1000s of customers who enters this shop every day, just because they (like me) trust Telekom brand, not MR . or Mrs. Brown’s franchise shop (I learned that it is franchise because I called call center after leaving the shop, and asked if they could see shop’s stocks)


Please kindly let me know where I should file this complaint, within Telekom, and within official authorities.


Thanks in advance



  • vor 4 Monaten

    I am surprised that you open a thread on the topic - it can happen that a brandnew item does not work.

    Also frequently what is presented in the shop are non-working exposition models (when I was in Saturn all the watches I could put my hands on were such non-working variants). If the shop was out of stock and does not expect a new delivery soon it sounds logic for me if they remove the exposition models in order that customers are not misled.


    I would have walked a few meters to the next Telekom shop in Sendlinger Str. 40


    I am not working for Telekom - just another customer.




    vor 4 Monaten

    Thank you for your time to write an answer. In fact, in order to buy 2 smartwatches, I went to Marienplatz early last Saturday, there were only 1 watch hanging on the wall, and the salesperson said "sorry we only have 1 (showing the one on the wall), if you like, you can get it", then I went to Sendlinger Str. 40, they said "we do not have watches". That's why I didnt think to go to Sendlinger again, considering they may not have watch. The ones on the wall are locked bytheway, they should be working watches, otherwise, they probably would not lock them, I guess.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Monaten

    @Zulkuf  schrieb:
    I told the situation, and thanks to this good man in Telekom, who told me that I always have the right to withdraw from this sales, “go to the shop, and give it back” he simply said.

    Except that what the man said is completely wrong.

    There is no right of withdrawal for items purchased in a shop.

    If this is done it is purely a goodwill gesture.

    After all, it also incurs costs if you return the watches - both will probably be scrapped, since the functioning watch can no longer be sold.


    Now that you've returned the watches, do you want to buy new ones?


    OK. As an employee in the shop, I wouldn't do that either. It doesn't Matter whether there's still stock or not. Nobody has to do business with you if they don't want to.


    The right way would have been to send the watch in and then get a new one. As the employee suggested.


    I am also not working for Telekom.




    vor 4 Monaten

    Thank you for your time to write an answer. 


    "If this is done it is purely a goodwill gesture." / I have to thank them then, if really they did it as a goodwill, I have no idea about the legal thing here, but call center told me to do so. On the other hand, if they are angry with me as a customer, not willing to sell smartwatch anymore, I don't know if they'd like to do a favor to accept watches, that they didn't have to. May be someone from Telekom would clearify this point.


    "Now that you've returned the watches, do you want to buy new ones?" / I was initially ready to have a working watch instead of defected one, a changeof 1 watch  would solve everything. Then, when I returned both, I was still ready to pay for 2 watches, but this time, I was just going to sit inside, connect both watches to my mobile, ensure they are working, then leave the shop. Even, call center on Friday, who told me to go to shop to change the defected one, also said this "connect there, ask for assistance, and ensure they are working, then leave the shop".


    "Nobody has to do business with you if they don't want to." / I can understand this if the shop was an ordinary one selling clothes, makeup, gifts etc. But a Telekom shop shouldn't do this I believe. Otherwise, who would stop them to put someone in the entrance, who will check clothes, color, voice, language, etc... of people trying to come inside, classifying them according to what they may purchase, and reject those who seems to buy smaller packages, or cheaper phones etc.  And the other point is: they can really tell me that "sorry, we do not want to sell these watches to you", this is far understandable, saying "you were rude", but not in a way to hide watches from the wall. I surely have no idea if they really sold these 2 at that time, that's why I ask help from a Telekom staff to check if they had.


    "The right way would have been to send the watch in and then get a new one" / This was simply I also asked them to do, a working watch that I already paid, and continue to pay the e-sim subscription for a week which does not work. But I cannot imagine how long it would take for this shop to send the watch back to Xplora, inpection, comes back, etc...



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Monaten


    they said “don’t worry, we are going to connect it”, took the watch and my mobile

    they said “don’t worry, we are going to connect it”, took the watch and my mobile
    they said “don’t worry, we are going to connect it”, took the watch and my mobile

    From this sentence I guess this means that your goal was to connect TWO watches to your mobile.

    No clue whether it is possible to connect more than one - if not then it might be clear why the second watch did not work as you expected.



    Looks like this is possible. Just that watch #1 must be switched off while connecting the 2nd one





    Now, the purpose I wrote all these is: I really really wonder, if there would be anyone in Telekom headquarters, who just could check Telekom Shop Marienplatz Munich’s stocks, to see whether they have smartwatches at 18:00 pm, November 15th.

    Now, the purpose I wrote all these is: I really really wonder, if there would be anyone in Telekom headquarters, who just could check Telekom Shop Marienplatz Munich’s stocks, to see whether they have smartwatches at 18:00 pm, November 15th.


    Now, the purpose I wrote all these is: I really really wonder, if there would be anyone in Telekom headquarters, who just could check Telekom Shop Marienplatz Munich’s stocks, to see whether they have smartwatches at 18:00 pm, November 15th.

    Probably s.b. could check - but this is none of your business, do not expect that you get such info.

    For Xplora watches and contract there is no "Kontrahierungszwang" - a German legal issue. The shop does not have to go into a contract with you, even if they had one thousand Xploras on stock.

    And if you misbehave ("I was not as polite as I usually was this time, increased my voice inside the shop") they can even ban you from the shop ("Hausverbot")




    vor 4 Monaten

    Thank you for your time to write an answer. 


    Yes, I was trying to connect 2 watches on 1 mobile, but this is allowed via Xplora app.

    These are what I did bytheway:


    - I tried to connect to my phone (which already had another watch connnected), but didnt work

    - Then I tried to connect to another mobile which does not have any watches connected, even with a new Xplora account, still didnt work (this should have worked if there was not a problem with the watch)

    - Then, Xplora said delete the first watch, delete the app, download again, and connect the second watch (defected one), and it didnt work neither.

    - Then, the first watch also lost connection because its e-sim QR code stopped working (watch connects, but e-sim does not connect this time, since these QR codes are for 1 shot as far as I understand)


    You are totally right that probably no one will tell me if they had a watch, but if only this point is inspected, that would be nice for me and all customers of the same shop:

    - they sell a device, it does not work, even producer cannot solve it, I took it back, they say we'll send it for inspection, which will probably took weeks, you pay for subscription, and still cannot use it. If, lets say, its because I broke the watch, they would then call me about the inspection report, and go to court if necessary to charge the price of the watch with an inspection report, but what if the watch itself does not work, I pay now, and get a new watch 2 months later, then who could cover my loss here? That's why a divice, if does not work, should be accepted back according to me.


    Regarding the "Kontrahierungszwang",  I don't think this would be via hiding watches on the wall. As I said in other mesaage here, they can say "you are rude", they can say "we ban you from the shop, leave now" or even say "we right now stopped selling these watches because we have trouble with a lot of customers, because of these watches", all are ok, but hiding is really an interesting way.



    vor 4 Monaten

    Hello @Zulkuf ,


    Thank you for reaching out and bringing this matter to my attention. 


    I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and frustration you have experienced with both the Xplora smartwatch and the service at our Telekom Shop.

    I understand how disappointing it is to purchase a product that does not function as expected and to encounter difficulties in receiving the necessary assistance. 


    The other users already provided you with essential information.


    Even though I find it sad that I have to link the necessary form, it is important to do so. You can file the complaint here


    Let me know if there are any questions and if you still want the smartwatches and eSIM contracts, I'm here to help. Fröhlich


    Kind regards



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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